Monday, September 24, 2012

Back from hiatus!

So it's been quite some time since I last blogged and to be honest I've missed it.

As most of you know the iPhone 5 came out last week. I was first in line at my local Verizon store. I also preordered one as well, it was delivered by noon on launch day. I made my preorder on the 14th at 3am. Then decided to let the Misses have that one and I would go and wait just so I could've the first in our area with the phone (bragging rights). So I arrive at the store around 4:20am and started the line.

It wasn't 20mins later I was joined by number 2 and every 15 to 20 mins after someone else pulled in the lot. Around 5:45 or so #2 opened his car door and started the chain reaction of everyone getting out of their cars. So I hopped out of my SUV and popped the hatch to get my pop up lawn chair( a lesson I learn the hard way, about a few a years ago when I waited for a ps3), then I headed for the door. I planted myself right under the "Line starts here sign".

The first few of us BS'd off and on till the doors opened. Mainly about the reason we were all there. The Verizon employees came bearing gifts or so we thought. When we heard the boxes of doughnuts and coffee weren't for us it kinda bummed me out. Oh we'll I was going to be first in the area with an iPhone 5.

So they come out at 7:30 and get all our account info and start the process Needless to say at 5 till 8 I had already texted 2 people and got a call from a friend who was waiting at another store. So I was already using my new phone 5 minutes before the apple release time.

It's been over a week now and I don't see myself using any other device besides apple. There is an app for everything, it's how I'm blogging now.

So enough ramblings for now. My next ramble will be about a restaurant or food in some way shape or form.

Thanks for reading!

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