So I make ends meet always have, its just in my DNA. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a hustler, and that I've been identified as one at pretty much every job(mainly sales gigs) I've ever had. You can also ask around, I'm the guy that can make a dollar outta 15 cent... So I embrace this and know I will with Gods help make it. So that being said, I've been out of work for a few months, and been doing what I do with help from my amazing wife, who is also unemployed due to a company having no moral code whatsoever, she's better off without them. I would much rather work a full time job, than make money here and there to pay bills. I like a regular paycheck to pay bills and my money I make here and there(all legal may I add) to go and have fun with. I've worked so many B.S. jobs that I could write a book, so to find out I got hired on at a international lending company, with great pay and even better benefits I was thrilled. So my wife decided to apply and not use all of her unemployment benefits, low and behold after weeks of the website glitching every time she tried to contact them her phone rings. After her conversation they wanted her to come in the next day, so we did and everything seemed to go very well......seemed.
So we decided to hit the beach for a lil celebration and relaxation. Out of the blue I sold another electronic cigarette kit so there was a lil extra money so I decided to treat my wife and myself to one of our favorite beach side spots. Plus I wanted an excuse to write another restaurant review style blog. So as we are pulling in the round about off of Clearwater Memorial Causeway I tell the wife to take the second right instead of our normal way to Sand Key Park. She looks puzzled but when she ask why I think she had already answered her own question, but I told her anyway.... We're going to Cooters to celebrate before we hit the beach for the rest of the day.

We get there right in the middle of happy hour (from 3-6 daily), so after navigating their rather small and packed parking lot. We walk up on their wood deck and are greeted right away. We decided to sit on there deck, the weather was perfect and a great breeze was coming off the gulf. We meet our waitress and place our drink order, and since its happy hour they have .50 raw oysters (on of my favorite foods).
When our drinks come I place an order for some oysters, and we start to look at their daily specials and browse the menu. We wanted something filling but light enough we could go straight to the beach and not feel to full. So the oysters come and were amazing nothing new here.
We decide, order some sandwiches, the Misses went for their Fisherman's Ruben and I chose their Philly Cheese Steak. We finish off the oysters and take in the scenery (not an inch of wall is uncovered).
The food comes and smells amazing, then the wife has a moment of greatness and suggest we trade half of our sandwiches of course!!! (I was feeling a bit down about not ordering seafood as an entree this close to the beach, so she solved that.) This Fisherman's Ruben was perfect, just like a ruben minus the corned beef and add blackened mahi, my Cheese Steak had the right amount of peppers, shrooms and onions to complement the rib eye. So good I almost forgot to take pictures.

We chow down and swap thoughts on each others choice of sandwich and ponder what to eat next time we come back. After we finish our plate...well baskets... We decide there's room for dessert and since its Florida we opt for Key Lime Pie. We get our Pie and its placed on top of this green sauce so the wife has to taste it to see what it is.....gotta love her always up to be a guinea pig. Turns out it was a Key Lime sauce/gel, that complemented the pie rather nicely. The pie was good, not enough key lime taste for me, tasted more like a key lime cheesecake of sorts, but it completed the meal great.
We get the check this place has amazing food, but it's even better if you're on a budget! So we tip and head to the car, with sand and salt water on the mind.
If you're looking for a great west cost beach side spot that's great on the taste buds and even better on the wallet be sure to check out; Cooters at 423 Poinsettia Ave. Clearwater Beach, FL 33767
Plus its just a stones throw away from one of our favorite beaches located at Sand Key Park. We hit the beach after feeding the meter, find a spot on a rather empty beach(just the way we like it). We walk the beach for awhile, noticing a wedding taking place down on the far end. So that spun off talks of ideas for our vow renewals and such. Then we get back to our spot and head into the water. It was nice luke warm water, after chilling in the waves for a bit, we decide to go relax on shore. And relax is what we did, it was so peaceful just laying on the shore with the love of my life by my side it was truly a gift from God. We just laid there for over a hour or more, then some tourist plop down about 20 or 30 feet from us, which is no big deal. Being born or living in Florida for any given time you get use to a few things; Tourist, Snowbirds, Lovebugs, Mosquitoes, and a thousand other annoying things we deal with to live in paradise. The only issue we had with the tourist after they entertained us with all their picture taking and amazement of the surroundings. Then they start to feed the seagulls and if you've ever did this you soon realize what a mistake you just made. What seemed like every seagull on the beach was flying over us and to them. They keep feeding them to get more pictures, and keep feeding them and keep feeding didn't stop...

Then the seagulls start to hover and me not wanting to have to shoot a bird for dropping a deuce on me and the lady. We decide to call the day quits, so thank you annoying tourist for making us miss the sunset and ruining the mood and flow of a great florida day. But we live here so enjoy your trip, this is our backyard! That alone makes me okay with them doing what tourist do. We head back home shower up and enjoy our night...
Well enough of my rambles that started out as a restaurant review. See you never know with me... P.S. To my lady, I love you!